Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ansel Adams II

Not all of Ansel Adams photographs were in black and white, as you can see from a couple of the above photographs.  He did an extensive amount of "nature" photographs, which is something that I really enjoy.

Ansel Adams

I have a few Ansel Adams posters at home because I like the black and white nature pictures.  Here is another example:

Saturday, February 26, 2011

My newest son

This is my newest son Rylan, he is a week old now.  For this photo I bundled him up in his blanket and propped him up in his boppie pillow.  The problem with this photo is that it was taken without a flash.

Below is the very same picture.  I used Adobe Photoshop to enhance the brightness and contrast of the photo.  I adjusted the photo using the layers option.  I had to increase the highlights in the photo in order to give the proper light to the picture.  I also decreased the shadows slightly.  In addition I also played with the vibrance and saturation in order to give the colors more appeal while keeping the natural skin tone.

Name Collage

This is my name collage that I put together using Adobe Photoshop.  The name spells out DUSTIN!  The D is from a normal piece of bread.  The U comes from a cookie with a bite out of it.  The S is from two hospital bracelets sitting on a desk.  The T comes from my bathroom faucet.  The I is my sons toothbrush hanging from the mirror.  And the N comes from a couple of fries that were left sitting on my son's plate.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My logo

This is my logo that I created.  Everyone remembers the Polaroid camera!  Point, Click, and then shake the picture till it looks good.  I inserted a recent picture of myself at a Cubs game.
This is the oringinal picture of my tree before it was enhanced using the Picasa software.
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THis is the picture of my tree around noon. I cropped the picture to eliminate the neighbors' cars that were in the background. I then warmed to colors and used a blur effect to blur images in the background in order to give the picture a stronger focal point.
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Monday, January 31, 2011

This is the picture of my son before being enhanced using Picasa.

This is the picture of my son, sitting in front of his school. I increased the hightlights and shadows in the picture to show the color of his skin with the sun hitting him. I also cropped the picture to take out some of the writing on the building.  I also cropped the photo to eliminate the school name that was on the wall behind him.
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